simply rustic

Tonight, I gathered up two of my dears to help me with the centerpieces for our wedding. We finished it in about thirty minutes. And a good chunk of that time was spent on me testing out a few different variations and getting their input in making the final decision.

It’s nothing fancy, but I love it. And even though Sweet T hasn’t seen it yet, I know he will love it.

And yeah, some might say it was completely unnecessary of me round up two of my dears to lend a hand, when I could very well have done all 24 jars myself. But to be perfectly honest, I just wanted their company. It’s just more fun to do these sort of things, well, any sort of things with dear friends.

I’m happy with how rustic they came out. AND, to make matters even better, we got to use burlap sacks that held green coffee beans from the place Sweet T used to barista at. I love being able to tie in those special, sentimental things of our lives into our wedding. AJ and those at this coffee shop will always hold a special place in Sweet T’s heart and AJ was great enough to grant us the usage of these sacks. And they are perfect! They are fraying at the edges and can come off a lil’ messy, but it’s totally US! And doh, it just hit me that I don’t get to cross this off the to-do list either because I never had it on there. I just had it in my mental to-do list.

Well, enough of that. Here is a photo of some of the jars!


wednesday (something blue)

(Something Blue)

He is the gift for the day. But obviously, he is not here. He’s still at camp. I’m guessing I get to claim this gift on Saturday.

….pause from posting to answer phone call from “Something Blue”….

Hooray! Got to talk to him! But it does make me miss him more, so that’s sort of hard. I seriously thought I was tougher than this. I’ve become the girl I said I would never become. Oh wells. Hahaha.

crunching along

No, I’m not eating something, although I am hungry, I’m referring to the phrase “crunch time.” I guess technically, this is crunch time for Sweet T and me. Our wedding is about two weeks away and there are things to get done. BUT, by God’s grace, they are slowly getting crossed off. Well, some of them weren’t even on the “to-do” list, so that list is still long, but hey, I didn’t have to add new stuff to the list.

Sweet T seems to be enjoying his time at camp. He loves teaching from God’s word, so this week will hopefully serve as a nice, relaxing retreat for him before our wedding. I miss him a lot as you can imagine, but I know this is a good time for us as it was part of His sovereign will.

I have to admit, I’m with the camp of folks who tell you that it goes by fast. I mean, it zipped right past us. My only regret is that we didn’t get to invite everyone that we wanted to invite (the venue that worked for us is on the smaller side, so didn’t accommodate) and that there were moments where I didn’t take enough time to relish in the reality that I am engaged, to be married. WOH.

I am most definitely thankful for those God placed in our lives. Both our church families have been so encouraging and supportive. Actually, three church families: we constantly feel the love and prayer of Sweet T’s church family back in Alabama. AND, Sweet T himself has been so great the whole time. There were days we would be talking about something and I would just look over at him and be amazed at God’s grace that I get to marry Sweet T. (I know, sorry for the mushy-ness. But cut me some slack! It’s been a long week without my team leader here guys!)

AND, on another note, our venue and caterer has made things SO EASY. That’s why they are in this business and I am not. HOORAY for God’s grace in leading us to that venue!

tuesday (something borrowed)

(Something Borrowed)

I missed Sweet T extra much today. It was hard. But praying for him, the campers, my other friends serving at camp, helped a lot. And he got to call me again, but hearing his voice made me miss him more. I hope I get used to this. I mean, I just need to get a little tougher you know?

So, today’s surprise gift, was Something Borrowed and it looks like he is letting me borrow his tape dispenser? The card didn’t explain the gift. My best guestimation is that I am supposed to get some packing done with it? Beats me. Either way, it made me smile and laugh and miss him.

The note was sweeter than sweet. He sure knows how to sweep a girl off her feet and keep her there with his sincere words. Saturday, please come quickly!

In other exciting news for the day, I learned an important lesson in consuming dinner before running errands out and about town. I finished up around 9pm, had this crazy yearning for fried chicken, was happy to find the Colonel’s office still open and was able to happily chomp down on extra crispy friend chicken. My only consolation is that it was white meat. Well, it’s a good thing I’m not trying to look decent in a wedding dress or go in for a final fitting tomorrow or anything. Oh wait. I am.

Exciting news done, so I’ll just share the photo of the gift and card.