feeling blue (and not in a good way)

Thanks to my awesome Pastor/Friend/Older Brother Figure, Sweet T, J, and MissJW and I got to go watch out boys in Blue. I left feeling blue, not Blue. Our boys just couldn’t do it. But they did what they could. And don’t get me started on the two umps who made horrible calls. One caused me to shout “Do you have EYES?!” But a definite upside was that I was proud of my Sweet T for cheering on the boys and getting pumped up. I guess he is officially rooting for the Blue.

The thing that left me blue was not just the game itself, but the atmosphere. The divorce has left a very hard road ahead for the team (that’s old news). Pair that with the unnecessary and senseless acts of violence by two “fans” of the Blue at the start of this season. The result is a very dreary stadium filled to paltry attendance with more booing than cheering. The lack of fans were made up with more police presence around the stadium (outside and inside).

I’m hoping the cloud above our team will lift soon and we can enjoy good baseball from what could be a great team.

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